Monday, November 3, 2008

Do We Need Salt - or Sodium?

Refined table salt is composed of from 97.5% to 99% of sodium chloride, and 1% to 2.5% chemicals such as moisture absorbents and iodine.

According to Wikipedia: "Salt is a dietary mineral composed primarily of sodium chloride that is essential for animal life, but toxic to most land plants."

Apparently it just takes longer to kill us than it does plants.

To assume that because it has become a staple of our daily life, it must be healthy, is faulty logic, and absurd.

There was a time people didn't know how deadly putting lead into paint is, or that eating out of pewter dishes is deadly.

To us it's obvious only because we now know, after many people became ill and even died from these things. But they didn't know then, just as we're only beginning to learn now of the harm of so many things that we do today that are slowly killing us.

Table salt it is dried at over 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, and the excessive heat alters the natural chemical structure of the salt, causing a myriad of health problems in the body. Here are some of them:

. Hypertension (high blood pressure)
. Stroke
. Obesity
. Coronary heart disease
. Myocardial infarction
. Angina Pectoris
. Congestive heart failure
. Kidney failure
. Heartburn
. Ulcers
. Manic-depression

Do you really want this substance in your body?

What our bodies need is sodium, which can easily be obtained from raw vegetables and fruits such as:

. Celery
. Beets
. Figs
. Kale
. Sesame Seeds
. Sunflower seeds
. Red peppers
. Radishes

Nearly all processed foods are loaded with salt, giving us far more than our bodies can handle.

Amazingly, even after we remove salt from our diet, it continues to show up in the urine for up to a year or more from where the body has stockpiled it to try to keep us alive.

Natural Sea Salt has been promoted as a healthy alternative in recent years, but is it really?

Why would sea salt, which is derived from sea water which is, as everyone knows, poisonous to drink, suddenly be healthy when the water is removed, thereby concentrating it?

To me that logic also seems faulty, but then maybe it's just me....

Giving up salt isn't as difficult as you might think, and as long as your diet consists of a nice variety of raw veggies and fruits, you will soon find that if you not only don't miss it, but if you accidentally get a taste of it, it will actually taste like poison. Hmm.

Phyllis Towse

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