Tuesday, May 26, 2009

More Effects of Cooked Foods

More Effects of Cooked Foods

Not only is there a problem with cooked foods having most of its nutrients, vitamins, enzymes and protein destroyed, but it has been observed in the laboratory that the white blood cell count before eating cooked food is between 5,000 to 6,000. After ingesting cooked food it is over 10,000!

Who remembers what the white blood cells do? That's right, they are our body's little good guys that go out and attack the bad guys (the pathenogens, or disease-causing) in our blood stream.

The body is in a defense mode against an attack! So what does that tell us about what the body thinks of cooked food?

According to Dr. Paul Kouchakoff, refined, homogenized, pasteurized, preserved or otherwise denatured foods greatly increase the white blood cell count. So that bottle of "healthy" juice you enjoy really isn't so healthy after all - at best it is dead, devoid of nutrition in spite of what may be added to it artificially.

Another problem is that you can't tell if even a small part of the food was bad - the obvious taste and smell you would ordinarily notice has been masked through cooking and by added seasonings.

What about our teeth? Harmful bacteria thrive only on dead, cooked food, and this encourages plaque build-up, cavities and gum recession. Cooked foods are highly acidic, so the body has to dissolve calcium and other alkaline minerals from the teeth and bones to neutralize that acidity. Decreased dental exercise from the softness of the cooked food also leads to dental abnormalities, such as crooked teeth.

The very best foods - indeed, the only truly health-giving foods - we can eat are raw, ripe, fresh, organic, whole fruits and vegetables, with the emphasis on fruits.

These articles just touch on the myriad harmful effects of cooked food. Basically, as the expression goes, we are literally digging our graves with our forks. There is so much information to learn, so much mis-information to unlearn (or rather forget), but any little steps are so much better than none at all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! *munches on an apple.* :) Honestly though- that is good to know. I knew that raw food was better for you, but I had absolutely no idea why. :) Thanks!