Friday, May 22, 2009

What is a Tan?

What is a Tan?

Someone in a tan conjures up thoughts of lying on the beach soaking up that wonderful sunshine, relaxation, good health and happiness.

And we know that sunshine is vital to our physical good health and overall well being.

But how much is good for us, and how much is too much? And how can we tell, besides the obvious feeling of heat or the red look of burning.

Let's think about what a tan really is. Wikipedia defines the word "tan" as "a brownish, tawny color. The name is derived from tannum, or crushed oak bark, that is used in the process for tanning leather." That is significant, as we'll see later.

Ultraviolet light stimulates melanin production. The pigment has the effect of absorbing the UV rays (ultraviolet radiation) in sunlight, so it protects the cells from UV damage. Melanin production takes a fair amount of time -- that is why most people cannot get a tan in one day.

A tan is actually our skin's way of protecting us from the harmful UV rays. So once you have a tan, you are already damaging your skin. It is also the beginning of a sunburn.

A sunburn is actually a bunch of broken blood vessels that form on top of a tan. While it is especially bad to suffer from sunburns before the age of 21, since it increases your odds of skin cancer, a sunburn at any age can have serious side effects. These effects include loss of skin moisture, loss of elasticity and the formation of sunspots on the skin.

Let's go back to Wikipedia's definition of tanning. While it specifically refers to tanning leather, the process and result are remarkably (and frighteningly) similar, since curing removes excess water from the hides and skins and leaves them shriveled and wrinkled, the same things too much sun does to our skin!

Is this what you want your skin to look like?

Since many of us love to spend time outdoors, you want to use a quality product that can help protect you from getting too much of a good thing. L'Bri Pure n' Natural has an aloe-based sun screen lotion with an SFP of 26.

L'Bri also has an oil-free moisturizer with SPF of 16 for the face that is safe for all types of skin. If you like to wear foundation, try our healthy and protecting, moisturizing foundation with an SPF of 4.

Hmmm. Maybe this lady has the right idea!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your post! I am a huge fan of tanning but I will rethink it. Or be more careful about it.