Monday, March 16, 2009

Promoting Monthly Sales

What's On Sale This Month!

Don't you just love a good sale? Don't you love saving money, especially in these tough economic times? Well, so does everyone! That's why it's important to let your present and potential customers know what is on sale at all times.

If you have an online business, make it a headline feature on your blog or website's main page. That's easy to do, just be sure to update it a day or two before the first day of the month.

If you like to do shows, have plenty of colorful flyers on hand to give out. Mail out to all your current customers, as well.

You know those Avon brochures you always seem to see lying around doctor's offices, the lunch room at your job, the gym ladies room? If you ask permission, chances are excellent that you will be able to leave your flyers there as well.

Think outside the box, too. What about laundromats and grocery stores? They usually have special racks for reading material or sales literature. Use your imagination and notice the places you frequent and drive by on a regular basis.

The point is to get the word out, and let as many people as possible know about and take advantage of either getting their favorite products at a sale price, or feeling like now they can try something new that they have had their eye on for awhile. That always does it for me!

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