Sunday, October 12, 2008

Exercise - It Does a Body Good! Part 2

Last time we talked about the three main types of exercise:

. Aerobic
. Flexibility
. Anaerobic

Now we'll go into each a little more fully.

Aerobic or Cardiovascular

Aerobic means “with oxygen”, and Cardiovascular means “involving or relating to the human heart and blood vessels”.

The cardiovascular system is composed of the heart and blood vessels, and is responsible for circulating oxygen-rich blood throughout the body and removing waste products.

Examples of this type of exercise include walking, jogging, swimming, bicycling, rebounding, snow shoveling, any sustained activity that gets your heart rate up and keeps it up for a minimum of 20-30 minutes.

Flexibility. Daily stretching lengthens muscles, increases range of motion and mobility, and can relax you. Remember to breathe deeply!

This can be part of your cool-down after your aerobic exercise. For years we were told to do our stretching prior to a workout, but now we know that the muscles first have to be warmed up in order to prevent injury.

Anaerobic exercise refers to strength or weight training. You can use the obvious tools such as dumbells, or you can use your own body weight and do push-up or sit-ups, etc.

This type of exercise will strengthen muscles and bones, increase bone density, normalize hormonal levels, and reduce your biological age. If you want to prevent weakening of your bones as you age, this is a far more effective way than taking calcium supplements or drinking milk of any type.

A word of caution: Remember to not overdo at first. Just start from wherever you are and increase gradually from there.

Do not get discouraged, but keep at it, and you WILL see improvement! Your body will thank you for it.

Now go and have a great workout! :-)

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