Thursday, October 9, 2008

A New Respect for Our Skin

Ever think about what all your skin does, or do you just take it for granted?

Here are some interesting facts about this fascinating and vital part of our body:

. It is one of the largest organs of the body

. It is almost waterproof

. It grows faster than any other organ

. It makes up about 16% of our total body weight

. The average adult has 21 square feet of skin and weighs 7-11 pounds

. Every 24 hours, the surface of the skin sheds a layer of dead cells, constantly renewing about every 28 days. So if you are not satisfied with the quality of your skin, there is hope of change with the right diet, lifestyle and beauty care regime!

. Facial skin is 5 times thinner than the rest of the body’s skin (about 0.12 mm versus .6 mm). It is even thinner on the lips and around the eyes, which is why those areas need special protection.

. Its main function is protection – it insulates and protects the body against bacterial invasion, heat, cold, and too much sunlight.

. It can sense 5 different kinds of stimulation: touch, pressure, heat, cold, and pain.

. It helps your body detox itself through perspiration

. It regulates your body’s temperature.

There is so much more to our incredible, wonderful skin, but are you beginning to get the picture? It is an incredibly complicated system, is vital to our well being, and requires our help to keep it working at its best.

Doesn’t it make sense, then, to take the very best care of your skin that you possibly can?

Next time we’ll talk about what steps are necessary to have truly healthy skin.

Have a great day!

Phyllis Towse

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