Sunday, October 19, 2008

Our Incredible, Self-Healing Bodies

Our bodies were designed to heal themselves. Is that a new concept to you?

Think about it. When you cut yourself, what happens? Your body instinctively knows exactly what to do to begin healing, without your doing a thing for it.

Blood comes out to help cleanse the wound and other things happen from within, and as the skin knits together a scab forms and even knows just when to drop off to reveal tender, new skin underneath.

That's God's design in our DNA.

Now, what would happen if someone had a cut on their arm and every time it tried to heal, they kept cutting it again? (creepy thought, I know) Would it ever heal?

No, of course not! It would never get a chance to.

Question: Is the self-healing still in our body? Yes, but it can't take place until we stop interfering with what our body is trying so desperately to do for us.

The inside of our body are just the same - it is constantly rebuilding itself IF we give it the right building materials and stop putting in the interfering and harmful substances.

Here is a list of the 5 most deadly foods, and I am trusting that you know that alcohol, tobacco, and drugs - legal (prescription) or illegal - are also deadly and will just kill you quicker:

#1 Anything of Animal Origin - that includes meat, chicken, fish and dairy products

#2 Sugar

#3 Sodium Chloride - also known as Table Salt

#4 White Flour

#5 Caffeine

Right about now you may be wondering what in the world you can eat!

We need to start thinking for ourselves - thinking out of the box. Just like your mother told you long ago, "Just because everyone does it doesn't mean it's right!". How true that is!

Most everyone I know does eat all of the 5 deadly foods - including myself for most of my life - and every single one of them has health problems to one degree or another.

We have all heard about the "health care crisis" in this country. I submit that "health care" would be better termed "disease management" - and very poor management, at that.

Prescription drugs do absolutely nothing to cure the disease - remember, only our bodies can do that. They may seem to help, but they are only masking the problem temporarily, plus giving entirely new symptoms.

Changing one's diet is an excellent first step, a little at a time, remembering that our goal towards good health is a process to be enjoyed along the way.

Start with eliminating just one deadly food from your diet per week and see how you feel.

Phyllis Towse

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