Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Our Body's Need for Water - Part 1

Water helps stabilize and cool the body; it transports nutrients; it dilutes and carries away wastes; it bathes every cell and hydrates our skin; it works intimately with air and sunshine to promote life and growth.

Just as it cleans and refreshes us on the outside, so it does on the inside.

Back in school we learned that our bodies contain approximately 70% water. But most of us never made the connection that therefore we need to make sure we injest sufficient water to maintain that balance.

And so we grew up drinking milk, soda, tea and coffee. Water seldom figured in our diets. But those liquids are simply not appropriate substitutes for water.

Our water supply needs to be replenished on a daily basis because we lose water every day through physical activity, eating, while sleeping - simply breathing removes moisture from our bodies. It's been said that we lose up to 10 glasses of water per day with normal activity.

We now know that many diseases are actually a deficiency of water, the result of ignoring our body's desperate need for water over a lifetime.

So how much water do we need?

A general rule of thumb for a healthy individual is 1/2 of your body weight in ounces. So, for example, if you weigh 100 pounds, you should drink approximately 50 ounces daily.

If you are ill or suffering from any disease, your body requires a lot more.

What is the best kind of drinking water? It is generally agreed by experts that distilled water is the best.

Certainly not the fluoridated and chlorinated water that comes into our houses from municipal supplies, nor well water that may be contaminated or contains insoluble minerals.

If you purchase distilled water from the store, be sure when you open it that it doesn't smell like plastic. If it does, that means that the plastic has leached into the water and you don't want to drink it.

You can purchase a water distiller for the home at reasonable prices (from $100 to $200) that should last you several years, and actually save you money over purchasing bottles at the store.

But: The very best and purest water that we can drink comes from whole, fresh, ripe, raw, organic fruits and vegetables.

These foods contain the best water on the planet!

Water that contains the nutrients, minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients, etc., all in a form that our bodies can assimilate and utilize.

Click here for Part 2 of "Our Body's Need for Water".

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